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LMP doubts

"Data links are tested in the transmit direction as they are
unidirectional, and therefore, it may be possible for both nodes to
(independently) exchange the Test messages simultaneously."

If so we need to maintain two FSM ( Active & Passive ) for a single
data channel or what. But it is given

"Data-bearing links can either be in the active (transmitting) mode,
where Test messages are transmitted from them, or the passive
(receiving) mode, where Test messages are received through them.  For
clarity, separate FSMs are defined for the active/passive data-bearing
links; however, a single set of data link states and events are

So when a node sends a Testmessage will it be possible for the same
data link to receive a Test message.( since simultaneous testing is
possible - as given ). If so what will be the action for this event.
Should it is pointing to the Pasv DataLink FSM. Does it mean that we
need to have two FSM's for a single data Link.
