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LMP: Link verification procedure suggestions.

    Giving below the test procedures  followed by the IETF draft and my suggestions for them
     Both nodes exchange their testing capabilites(sequential/simultaneous) through BeginVerify and BeginVerifyAck.
    The local node also sends if it has the interface mappings(not know intially) in BeginVerify.
    When the mappings are known, if both nodes support's simultaneous testing, simultaneous testing is done.
    If only one node support's simultaneous testing, then both nodes do sequential testing with the know ordering.
1) sender testing capability:sequential, receiver testing capability:simultaneous, mappings are not known.
            Verification procedure is started with number of links to be tested equal to all links in the TE/data set. Sender sends test message in one of the links(as per its internal ordering). Receiver waits in all the links. 
Receiver may receive test message in just one of the links, for all other links it will not receive test message within VerifyDeadInterval. At the end of VerifyDeadInterval the remtoe node would have send  TestStatusSuccess or TestStatusFailure for all the links. The sender sends TestStatusAck for all the links. The verification procedure is completed.
At the end of this verification procedure mapping is found out for only one link(provided beginVeryAck is received).
The above  procedure has to be repeated again and again unitl mapping is found for all links.
My suggestion:
        The sender informs the receiving side that it is capable of testing sequentially only. It also informs the remote node that it doesnot have interface mappings. Receiver sends BeginVerifyAck, with VerifyDeadInterval  set to "locally configured  VerifyDeadInterval for single data link" * "no of links to be tested".
      The local node will send test messages in a interface sequentially for every verify interval and the number of retries for an interface will be stopped based on local configuration( retransmission  count or timer).
     Remote node is waiting for "VerifyDeadInterval for single data link" * "no of links to be tested" for  all interfaces. This time is enough to receive test message send in any order over the links.
2) sender testing capability:sequential, receiver testing capability:sequential, mappings are not known.
          Not clear how testing is done in this case. Since sender follows its own ordering for sending test messages over different interfaces, where as the receiver follows its own ordering waiting to receive test messages over interfaces. There is no correllation of the ordering between the two.
My suggestion:
        The sender informs the receiving side that it is capable of testing sequentially only. It also informs the remote node that it doesnot have interface mappings.
       The receiver also informs the sender that it is capable of doing testing sequentially and sets VerifyDeadInterval to "locally configured  VerifyDeadInterval for single data link" * "no of links to be tested".
      Remote node is waiting for "VerifyDeadInterval for single data link" * "no of links to be tested" for one interface. After the end of this period it waits in the next interface.
      The local node will send test messages in a interface sequentially for every verify interval and the number of retries for an interface will be stopped based on local configuration( retransmission  count or timer). At the end of this period it may know mapping for just one link. Since the local node know that the remote node is only capable of sequential testing the above procedure has to be repated.