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Fw: Link verification procedure suggestions( IETF sequential on both ends)

> 2) sender testing capability:sequential, receiver testing capability:sequential, mappings are not known.
 >         Not clear how testing is done in this case. Since sender follows its own ordering for
> sending test messages over different interfaces, where as the receiver follows its own
> ordering waiting to receive test messages over interfaces.
> There is no correllation of the ordering between the two.
        With respect to IETF the following procedure can be followed:
    Sender does verification procedure repeatedly with "Number of Data Links" set to one, until it gets a mapping from the remote side or there are no more data links in the TE/Data set.  In the sender side for each repetetion test message is send on a different data link(as per local preference). The receiver will wait on the same data link as per its preference.
For the sending side at  the end of this procedure it could have got mapping for a single data link.
The above procedure has to be repeated with "Number of Data Links" set to TWO, as the remote node will wait on the first interface for VerifyDeadInterval and then wait on the second interface. Because the receiver will always follow the same ordering as per its local preference for untested links.
The sender will send test messages for the remaining data links.
An optimization of the above procedure will be:
        Set the "Number of Data Links" to number of data links in the TE/data set or the number of links to be tested. The sender will send test messages sequentially(based on locally  for the links as per its internal ordering. The sender will send test messages in the fist interface for the verify interval. Then it will send test messages in the second interface.
Once the above procedure is completed the sender will change it local internal ordering. This can be done by moving the local interfaces in a circular queue by ONE. After this the above procedure will be repeated.