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RE: Representation of VC-3 in STM-0 in {SUKLM} format

       Agreeed. This special case of STM-0 should be mentioned in the 


>From: "Mannie, Eric" <Eric.Mannie@ebone.com>
>To: 'manoj juneja' <manojkumarjuneja@hotmail.com>, 
>CC: dimitri.papadimitriou@alcatel.be, kireeti@juniper.net
>Subject: RE: Representation of VC-3 in STM-0 in {SUKLM} format
>Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 19:34:01 +0100
>Hi Manoj,
>I guess that I could simply write that for STM-0: S = 0 and U = 0.
>Since one knows the type of link (e.g. STM-0), you don't need more I think.
>About Juergen comments:
> >SONET and SDH have similar structures and using
> >different {SUKLM} numbering schemes results in confusion and problems 
> >this that something is missing for one hierarchy.
>I'll clarify that at the IETF. The SONET label could be 100% different from
>the SDH label that it would not change anything. There is NO
>need/application for SDH to SONET label translation and vice versa. There 
>no reason to care about having similar formats since there is no need. The
>only reason is for the beauty of the text. However, I am not against a nice
>text, that's why we tried to have a similar label format, however this is
> >  I haven't seen a final decision concerning the {SUKLM} scheme so I have
> >attached my proposal again.
>My personal final decision was to not change it. However, we need to see 
>consensus of the group during the next meeting. In any case, if someone ask
>a modification he/she will have to justify the technical requirements or
>Kind regards,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: manoj juneja [mailto:manojkumarjuneja@hotmail.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 12:43 AM
>To: Juergen.Heiles@icn.siemens.de
>Cc: Mannie, Eric; dimitri.papadimitriou@alcatel.be; kireeti@juniper.net
>Subject: RE: Representation of VC-3 in STM-0 in {SUKLM} format
>Hi All,
>           If STM-0 signal can't be represented using {SUKLM} then
>should not this be removed from the drafts ?
> >From: Heiles Juergen <Juergen.Heiles@icn.siemens.de>
> >To: "'manoj juneja'" <manojkumarjuneja@hotmail.com>, ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> >Subject: RE: Representation of VC-3 in STM-0 in {SUKLM} format
> >Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 09:26:31 +0100
> >
> >Manoj,
> >
> >indeed the STM-0 case is not covered in the current definition. This is 
> >of the reasons for my proposed changes to the label definition I did sent
> >out as a last call comment. SONET and SDH have similar structures and 
> >different {SUKLM} numbering schemes results in confusion and problems 
> >this that something is missing for one hierarchy.
> >  I haven't seen a final decision concerning the {SUKLM} scheme so I have
> >attached my proposal again.
> >
> >Juergen
> >
> >    The format of the label for SDH and/or SONET TDM-LSR link is:
> >
> >     0                   1                   2                   3
> >     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
> >    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
> >    |               S               |   U   |   K   |   L   |   M   |
> >    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
> >
> >    For SDH, this is an extension of the numbering scheme defined in
> >    G.707 section 7.3, i.e. the (K, L, M) numbering. For SONET, the same
> >    signaling scheme is used in order to provide easy interworking 
> >    SDH and SONET signaling. For the S field a STS-3 group, which
> >    corresponds with the SDH AUG-1 level is introduce. The U field
> >indicates
> >    the position of the STS-3c-SPE or STS-1-SPE within the STS-3 group.
> >
> >    Each letter indicates a possible branch number starting at the
> >    parent node in the multiplex structure. Branches are considered as
> >    numbered in increasing order, starting from the top of the
> >    multiplexing structure. The numbering starts at 1, zero is used to
> >    indicate a non-significant field.
> >
> >    When a field is not significant in a particular context it MUST be
> >    set to zero when transmitted, and MUST be ignored when received.
> >
> >    When hierarchical SDH/SONET LSPs are used, an LSP with a given
> >    bandwidth can be used to tunnel lower order LSPs.  The higher
> >    order SDH/SONET LSP behaves as a virtual link with a given
> >    bandwidth (e.g. VC-3), it may also be used as a Forwarding
> >    Adjacency. A lower order SDH/SONET LSP can be established through
> >    that higher order LSP. Since a label is local to a (virtual) link,
> >    the highest part of that label is non-significant and is set to
> >    zero.
> >
> >    For instance, a VC-3 LSP can be advertised as a forwarding
> >    adjacency. In that case the labels allocated between the two ends
> >    of that LSP (i.e. for that "link") will have S, U and K set to
> >    zero, i.e., non-significant, while L and M will be used to
> >    indicate the signal allocated in that VC-3.
> >
> >      1. S is the index of a particular AUG-1/STS-3 group. S=1->N
> >      indicates a specific AUG-1/STS-3 group inside an STM-N/STS-3xN
> >      multiplex. For example, S=1 indicates the first AUG-1/STS-3 group,
> >      and S=N indicates the last AUG-1/STS-3 group of this multiplex.
> >      S is not significant for STM-0/STS-1.
> >
> >      2. U indicates a specific VC/STS-SPE inside a given AUG-1/STS-3
> >      group or STM-0/STS-1. U=1 indicates a single VC-4/STS-3c-SPE in a
> >      AUG-1/STS-3 group or the single VC-3/STS-1-SPE in a STM-0/STS-1,
> >while U=2->4
> >      indicates a specific VC-3/STS-1-SPE inside the given AUG-1/STS-3
> >      group.
> >
> >      3. K is only significant for VC-4/STS-3c and must be ignored for
> >      higher order VC-3/STS-1-SPE. For SDH it indicates a specific branch
> >of a VC-4.
> >      K=1 indicates that the VC-4 is not further subdivided and
> >      contains a C-4. K=2->4 indicates a specific TUG-3 inside the VC-4.
> >      For a SONET STS-3c-SPE it is fixed to K=1 as SONET doesn't support
> >      substructured STS-3c-SPE.
> >
> >      4. L indicates a specific branch of a TUG-3, VC-3 or STS-1 SPE.
> >      It is not significant for an unstructured VC-4/STS-3c-SPE. L=1
> >      indicates that the TUG-3/VC-3/STS-1 SPE is not further
> >      subdivided and contains a VC-3/C-3 in SDH or the equivalent in
> >      SONET. L=2->8 indicates a specific TUG-2/VT Group inside the
> >      corresponding higher order signal.
> >
> >      5. M indicates a specific branch of a TUG-2/VT Group. It is not
> >      significant for an unstructured VC-4, STS-3c-SPE, TUG-3, VC-3 or
> >STS-1 SPE.
> >      M=1 indicates that the TUG-2/VT Group is not further subdivided
> >      and contains a VC-2/VT-6 SPE. M=2->3 indicates a specific VT-3
> >      inside the corresponding VT Group, these values MUST NOT be used
> >      for SDH since there is no equivalent of VT-3 with SDH. M=4->6
> >      indicates a specific VC-12/VT-2 SPE inside the corresponding
> >      TUG-2/VT Group. M=7->10 indicates a specific VC-11/VT-1.5 SPE
> >      inside the corresponding TUG-2/VT Group. Note that M=0 denotes
> >      an unstructured VC-4, VC-3 or STS-1 SPE (easy for debugging).
> >
> >
> >       The M encoding is summarized in the following table:
> >
> >           M    SDH                          SONET
> >          ----------------------------------------------------------
> >           0    unstructured VC-4/VC-3  unstructured STS-1 SPE
> >           1    VC-2                    VT-6
> >           2    -                       1st VT-3
> >           3    -                       2nd VT-3
> >           4    1st VC-12               1st VT-2
> >           5    2nd VC-12               2nd VT-2
> >           6    3rd VC-12               3rd VT-2
> >           7    1st VC-11               1st VT-1.5
> >           8    2nd VC-11               2nd VT-1.5
> >           9    3rd VC-11               3rd VT-1.5
> >           10   4th VC-11               4th VT-1.5
> >
> >    In case of contiguous concatenation, the label that is used is the
> >    lowest label of the contiguously concatenated signal as explained
> >    before. The higher part of the label indicates where the signal
> >    starts and the lowest part is not significant. For instance, when
> >    requesting an VC-4-16c the label is S>0, U=0, K=0, L=0, M=0.
> >
> >    Examples of labels:
> >
> >    Example 1: S>0, U=1, K=1, L=0, M=0
> >    Denotes the unstructured VC-4/STS-3c-SPE of the Sth AUG-1/STS-3 
> >
> >    Example 2: S>0, U=1, K>1, L=1, M=0
> >    Denotes the unstructured VC-3 of the Kth-1 TUG-3 of the Sth AUG-1.
> >
> >    Example 3: S>0, U>1, K=0, L=1, M=0
> >    Denotes the Uth unstructured VC-3/STS-1 SPE of the Sth AUG-1/STS-3
> >group.
> >
> >    Example 4: S>0, U>1, K=0, L>1, M=1
> >    Denotes the VC-2/VT-6 in the Lth-1 TUG2/VT Group in the Uth 
> >SPE of the Sth AUG-1/STS-3 group.
> >
> >    Example 5: S>0, U>1, K=0, L>1, M=9
> >    Denotes the 3rd VC-11/VT-1.5 in the Lth-1 TUG2/VT Group in the Uth
> >VC-3/STS-1 SPE of the Sth AUG-1/STS-3 group.
> >
> >    Example 6: S>0, U=1, K>1, L>1, M=5
> >    Denotes the 2nd VC-12 in the Lth-1 TUG2 in the Kth TUG3 in the VC-4 
> >the Sth AUG-1.
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: manoj juneja [mailto:manojkumarjuneja@hotmail.com]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 1:49 AM
> > > To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> > > Subject: Representation of VC-3 in STM-0 in {SUKLM} format
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi All,
> > >         If I have to allocate VC-3 on a STM-0 link then how to
> > > represent it in {SUKLM}? As per gmpls-sdh-sonet draft, S is the index
> > > of particular AUG-1 and can take values from 1 -> N. but there is no
> > > AUG-1 in STM-0.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > manoj.
> > >
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> > > http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
> > >
> > >
> >
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