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Questions Regarding UNI

    I have the following doubts in UNI Implementation Aggrement.

1)    whether there should be two UNI session for source UNI(UNI-C and
UNI-N) and destination UNI(UNI-N and UNI-C) respectively while sending
Path message, since we need to specify in SESSION object destination
Node ID as adjacent UNI-N's node ID in the case source UNI and as
adjacent UNI-C's Node ID in the case of destination UNI(when message is
sent across NNI to destination UNI-N to destination UNI-C).

2) if there is two session across source and destination UNI, whether
SenderTSpec(flowspec in Reservation message) is to be interpreted at
UNI-N through some admission control module as in base RSVP(rfc-2205 -
using Link Layer Dependent Adaptation Layer in ISI-RSVP implementation
source code).

3) what is the purpose of using SenderTSpec and FlowSpec in UNI-RSVP?
Whether it is used to specify label range. if that specifies label
range, then whether it should be interpreted at UNI-N to check the
incoming label(whether it lies in that label range as in the IP-MPLS

Please clarify.

Rajaraman. B