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Nortel Networks Statement on IPR claimed in draft-ietf-ccamp-loose-path-reopt-00.txt

Dear Richard and Michelle,
Thank you for submitting your Patent Disclosure
with respect to IETF Internet Draft draft-ietf-ccamp-loose-path-reopt-00.txt.
I would be grateful if you could clarify two points to help me understand this discolsure further.

1. The disclosure states that:
     Nortel Networks U.S. Patent No. 6,560,654 entitled "Apparatus and
     method of maintaining timely topology data within a link state routing
     network" may contain claims that may be necessary for practicing a
     resulting IETF Standard based on this Internet Draft.
  Could you provide more detail about what aspects of
  draft-ietf-ccamp-loose-path-reopt-00.txt you believe may be impacted by
  this disclosure?
2. Can you clarify whether the "fair, reasonable, reciprocal, and
   non-discriminatory terms" referenced in the disclosure include the
   intention, in the event that the referenced draft becomes an Internet
   Standard, not to assert the patent except that some party asserts a patent
   patent it owns or controls against Nortel?
   By way of an example of wording that covers this intention, can I draw
   your attention to a completely unrelated IPR disclosure at
Thank you for any clarification you are able to offer.
Please note that I am copying this email to Kireeti Kompella who co-chairs the IETF's CCAMP working group with me. The CCAMP working group developed the Internet-Draft in question (draft-ietf-ccamp-loose-path-reopt-00.txt) and so I am also copying this email to the CCAMP mailing list.
Best regards,
Adrian Farrel
Adrian Farrel
Old Dog Consulting
Phone: +44 (0) 1978-860944
Fax: +44 (0) 870-130-5411