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Sorry, no. We don't have access to the Recommendations you list.
This is particularly hard for those of us who are independent or work for
small companies that are not ITU-T members.

Note that you can get three free downloads of Recommendations by following
the links on the ITU web pages, so this may help a little.

Great news that you have started the work.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Greg Bernstein" <gregb@grotto-networking.com>
To: <Maarten.Vissers@alcatel.de>
Cc: "ccamp" <ccamp@ops.ietf.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: LCAS and GMPLS

> Hi Maarten, thanks.  Adrian and ITU folks, I went to the additional
> CCAMP web page and looked at the liasons but didn't see
> G.806, G.783, G.783, G.798 nor G.7042 (LCAS itself) listed. Are these
> available to the CCAMP workgroup.  My archive of ITU-T
> documents is a bit out of date.
> Stephen, did Maarten's answer clear things up?  Think about VCAT as a
> physical layer (circuit based) inverse multiplexing technique, hence to
> keep the hardware reasonable the spec. (G.707) doesn't allow for mix and
> matching component types in a VCAT group.  Or did you mean something
> else with your recursive composition idea?
> Adrian, I've started on the I-D using the relatively new XML method
> (seems easier than the MS Word or pure text method).  Anyone who wants
> to help
> or review prior to submission let me know.  Note that my
> gregb@grotto-networking.com e-mail address is checked more frequently
> than my gregbern@yahoo.com address.
> Greg B.
> Maarten.Vissers@alcatel.de wrote:
> >Greg,
> >
> >
> >
> >>E.g., what about renumbering?
> >>
> >>
> >The renumbering is a LCAS element (fully LCAS controlled), that NMS or
> >GMPLS should not be bothered about.
> >Only if you want to operate VCAT with LCAS disabled, NMS/ASON/GMPLS has
> >control the sequence numbers, but changes in the group size is not
> >without LCAS.
> >
> >Hereafter some information on the VCAT/LCAS associated parameters as
> >extracted from G.806 (02/04) and G.783 (02/04).
> >
> >10.1/G.806 includes a generic specification for the VCAT/LCAS
> >inlcuding a list of MI signals (MI: Management Information) which
> >management needs to control and gets reported. G.783 and G.798 specify
> >technology specific functions, using the specifications in G.806 as
> >
> >Input MI signals:
> >=================
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_So_MI_LCASEnable:
> >The MI_LCASEnable input controls whether the LCAS functionality is
> >for the source function (MI_LCASEnable = true) or disabled
> >= false).
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_So_MI_ProvM[1..XMT]:
> >The MI_ProvM[1..XMT] input controls whether a P[i]_AP at the P-Xv_AP is
> >provisioned to be a member of the VCG (MI_ProvM[i] = 1) or not
> >(MI_ProvM[i] = 0).
> >
> >==> With this input parameter NMS/GNPLS controls which access points
> >thus VC-n trail termination functions) are part of the VCAT group.
Note -
> >LCAS determines if there will be traffic routed over it.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_So_MI_PLCTThr:
> >Partial loss of capacity transmit threshold associated with cPLCT fault
> >cause.
> >
> >----------
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_LCASEnable:
> >The MI_LCASEnable input controls whether the LCAS functionality is
> >for the sink function (MI_LCASEnable = true) or disabled (MI_LCASEnable
> >false). If LCAS is enabled, the function auto-detects which type of
> >it is interfacing to. The output MI_LCAS_So_Detected reports whether
> >present sink function detected an LCAS-enabled source function
> >(MI_LCAS_So_Detected=true) or a non-LCAS-enabled source
> >(MI_LCAS_So_Detected=false, see below for details). Only if both
> >MI_LCASEnable and MI_LCAS_So_Detected are true is the LCAS
> >active in the function.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_ProvM[1..XMR]:
> >The MI_ProvM[1..XMR] input controls whether a particular one of the
> >available physical resources at the P-Xv_AP is provisioned to be a
> >of the VCG (MI_ProvM[i] = 1) or not (MI_ProvM[i] = 0).
> >
> >==> With this input parameter NMS/GMPLS controls which access points
> >thus VC-n trail termination functions) are part of the VCAT group.
Note -
> >LCAS determines if there will be traffic routed over it.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_PLCRThr:
> >Partial loss of capacity receive threshold associated with cPLCR fault
> >cause.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_TSDEnable:
> >The MI_TSDEnable input controls whether the sink function uses
> >indications as contributors for signalling defective members back to
> >LCAS source function (MI_TSDEnable = true) or whether it ignores
> >indications altogether (MI_TSDEnable = false).
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_HOTime:
> >The MI_HOTime input controls whether the Hold-Off (HO) timer is enabled
> >disabled for the sink function and, if enabled, what the value of the
> >timer is. If MI_HOTime = 0, the HO timer shall be disabled, if
MI_HOTime 0
> >it shall be enabled.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_WTRTime:
> >The MI_WTRTime input controls whether the Wait-To-Restore (WTR) timer
> >enabled or disabled for the sink function and, if enabled, what the
> >of the timer is. If MI_WTRTime = 0, the WTR timer shall be disabled, if
> >MI_WTRTime 0 it shall be enabled.
> >The range of values for the HO/WTR timers is as defined in ITU-T Rec.
> >G.808.1.
> >
> >P-X-L_TT_Sk_MI_SSF_Reported:
> >Controls if cSSF fault cause is reported. Typically owned by NMS.
> >
> >
> >Output MI signals:
> >==================
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_So_MI_XAT:
> >Current size of the transmitted payload.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_So_MI_XMT
> >Maximum size of the transmitted payload.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_So_MI_TxSQ[1..XMT]
> >Indication of which sequence number (_SQmap[i]) is being carried over a
> >particular P_AI (P_AI[i]) signal.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_XMR
> >Maximum size of the received payload.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_XAR
> >Current size of the received payload
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_DMFI[1..XMR]
> >The relative delay, in MFI units, between each provisioned member and
> >earliest-arriving member among those considered for the calculation
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_LCAS_So_Detected
> >Indication if remote node supports LCAS.
> >
> >P-Xv/P-X-L_A_Sk_MI_AcSQ[1..XMR]
> >Indication of which sequence number is being received over a particular
> >P_AI (P_AI[i]) signal.
> >
> >
> >Besides these VCAT/LCAS specific parameters, you need to control a
> >of the individual trail termination (e.g. S4_TT) function and the
> >adaptation (e.g. S4-X/ETH_A) function parameters. E.g. for VC-4 and
> >TT_Sk functions:
> >
> >Input MI parameters:
> >====================
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_TPmode
> >Termination Point mode to control alarm free path set up. Refer to
> >6.1/G.806 and 7.1.4/G.7710.
> >
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_ExTI
> >Expected Trace Identifier value must be configured by GMPLS when GMPLS
> >sets up VC-n network connection; action is to read MI_TxTI parameter in
> >TT_So and carry this value to remote end to configure MI_ExTI.
> >
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_TIMdis
> >Disables/Enables TIM defect detection. GMPLS should control this as
> >of VC-n connection setup.
> >
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_TIMAISdis
> >Disables/enables AIS insertion on TIM defect detection. GMPLS to
> >this as part of VC-n connection setup.
> >
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_RDI_Reported
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_SSF_Reported
> >Controls if cRDI and cSSF fault cause are reported. Typically owned by
> >NMS.
> >
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_EXC_X
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_DEG_X
> >Bit error defect detection process configuration parameters. Must be
> >configured as part of connection setup; values depend on SLA.
> >
> >
> >Output MI parameters:
> >=====================
> >Sn_TT_Sk_MI_AcTI
> >Accepted Trace Identifier value report.
> >
> >Parameters for one of the client adaptation functions (e.g. Sn/ETH_A,
> >G.8021) are typically outside the control of the GMPLS VC-n Group
> >connection setup; those parameters are under either NMS or client layer
> >GMPLS control.
> >
> >
> >I hope the above helps to get a feeling of what you need to control
> >VC-n Group connection set up.
> >Note that the VCAT group can be set up as a single VC-n Group, or as
> >multiple, diverse routed, (smaller) VC-n (sub)Groups. E.g. a 5 VC-4
> >group may be set up as a 5 VC-4 network connection group, as a 3 VC-4
> >netowrk connection group (VCG A) and a 2 VC-4 network connection group
> >(VCG B), as five individual VC-4 network connections, ... The most
> >case when used to transport data will most likely be the second case:
> >VCGs supporting one VCAT/LCAS group. I assume that NMS and GMPLS VC-n
> >connection management would set up VCG A and a VCG B, with the
> >that both must be diverse routed.
> >
> >If the VCAT group at a later stage is to be extended to 6 VC-4 members,
> >then for the case of VCG A and VCG B, the VCG B could be extended from
> >to 3 VC-4 network connections. You would then issue a connection
> >modification request for VCG B and leave VCG A untouched.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Maarten
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Greg Bernstein <gregbern@yahoo.com>
> >Sent by: owner-ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> >15-06-2005 18:04
> >
> >        To:     Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>, Diego Caviglia
> ><Diego.Caviglia@marconi.com>
> >        cc:     yhwkim <yhwkim@etri.re.kr>, ccamp <ccamp@ops.ietf.org>
> >        Subject:        Re: LCAS and GMPLS
> >
> >
> >Okay Adrian I'll take a first stab at the I-D based on
> >the e-mails to date and some of my tutorial material
> >from short courses and papers.
> >
> >Thanks everyone for the info and particularly Maarten
> >for the in depth descriptions and information.  I may
> >send you some extra questions after I digest it.  I'm
> >particularly interested in places where we "enable
> >LCAS" or some entity tells LCAS to perform an "add" or
> >"delete" action. E.g., what about renumbering?
> >
> >Sounds like there are plenty of possible solutions, so
> >a focus on a clear understanding of the problem space
> >and capabilities (which are already automated, can be
> >automated, or need to be commanded) is important.
> >
> >Greg B.
> >
> >--- Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk> wrote:
> >--- Lots of snips
> >I would suggest that Greg and Diego start an I-D. Call
> >it something like "Applicability Statement for
> >Operating LCAS and VCAT with GMPLS LSPs".
> >Include:
> >- Simple overview of VCAT and LCAS (no more than a
> >page, please)
> >- Simple statement of how LSPs fit into the picture
> >(about half a page)
> >- Statement of the requirements on GMPLS signaling
> >(about a page)
> >- Mechanisms and procedures (two or three pages)
> >
> >__________________________________________________
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> >