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Re: Distribution CPG Protocol - Some Thoughts
Alex French wrote:
> I think we may be straying into a discussion of the content routing system
> rather than the content distribution peering; valid discussion, but we need
> to be clear which problem we're dealing with.
I think there is confusion as to where the content specific
information needs to be exchanged in the model. I believe
that in all three types of peering this needs to occur.
Here's a summary:
[note: i'm using the term "content exchange protocol" to
refer to a generic protocol which exchanges information
about a specific URI]
Direction Peering: Requires a content exchange protocol to
exchange information regarding
1. Where the content is located
2. Metrics related to surrogate/CDN selection
3. Other metrics related to load, etc
Distribution Peering: Requires a content exchange protocol
1. Exchanging content which should be pushed
into surrogates
2. Real time content signals (this is probably
a separate protocol)
Accounting Peering: Requires a content exchange protocol
1. Exchanging sets of URIs which a given CDN is
authoritative for so that logging and billing
information can be aggregated back toward the
authorititative entity
It seems as if all three of these cases need a protocol
which does a quick handshake and then exchanges:
URI #1, Attribute #1, Attribute #2
URI #2, Attribute #1, Attribute #3
The requirements in all cases are:
1. Secure point-to-point protocol (i.e. TCP with
2. Capability negotiation
3. Ability to prevent advertisements from looping
4. Extensible for adding new attributes to content