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Re: [idn] time to move


> if you want to wait until everything else  is using utf-8 before deploying
> IDNs that use utf-8, feel free.  I suspect that most of us don't want
> to wait that long.

Of course I want to wait until <arbitrary precondition> before extending
the label space from 0x2d, 0x30-0x39, 0x41-0x5a, 0x61-0x7z to that set
plux (to be minimal and true to my calling) 0x2b. I'm a straw-person, and
its a given that everyone has vastly more clue than I.

Less rhetoric, more engineering. Please. Or we should stop meeting after
midight, list-time.

At present, no user of a dns may use code points other than the HDL list,
because <arbitrary precondition> is controlling until <arbitrary date>.

Getting a fix on <arbitrary precondition> and <arbitrary date> are worth
spending some time on, but aren't in themselves adequate for failing to
extend the existing set of label space octet encodings.

Well, BiDi just landed in the Mozilla tree. I'm willing to keep my own
personal shell at adb (a very old SRI prank), but there's an entire
cohort of users who's internet is post-modern, either because they data
just got "there" or because MicroSquash has eaten all the alternatives
they are capable of using. 

I suppose I could fix something. I hear that NSI has everything a grown
person could want in an IDN, if they were smart enough to let NSI define
