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[idn] report of the straw poll

On Sun, 20 May 2001 09:51:31 -0400, an electronic straw poll was requested 
by the idn co-chairs to reverify the previous concensus on 
idna-nameprep-ace proposal. Those who disagree were asked to identify the 
draft of the suggested alternative. The end of the poll was wednesday May 
23rd 2001, 23h59 GMT.

50 participants participated in the straw poll.

36 participants agree with the idna-nameprep-ace orientation.

14 participants disagree. In this group, here is a summary of the suggested 
alternatives with the number of people in the front of each line:

   1 UCS or UTF variants preferred
   2 draft-skwan-utf8-dns-06.txt
   2 Just send UTF

   1 The DNSII Multilingual Domain Name Protocol
   1 draft-ietf-idn-vidn-01.txt
   1 draft-ietf-idn-uname-00.txt

   2 draft-ietf-idn-udns, draft-ietf-idn-uname, draft-ietf-idn-idne, 
draft-ietf-idn-iptr, draft-ietf-idn-vidn, draft-skwan-utf8-dns,
   1 premature to decide before exploring alternatives

   3 nothing proposed

The counters group: Marc Blanchet, Dave Crocker, James Seng, Rick Wesson, 
Yoshiro Yoneya