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Re: [idn] report of the straw poll


I sent one of the two "Just send binary (UTF)" ballots, (use rfc2044),
arch-1 in Paul's taxonomy (draft-ietf-idn-compare-01.txt).

NeuStar hasn't completed its independent review of the Walid and Ydsig
patent claims. NeuLevel will not deploy RACE, unless directed to do so

On the presumption that the IPR issue can be resolved acceptably by the
claimants and the IETF, or alternatively that a second independent review,
possibly ours, concludes as Verisign did, that there is no infringement,
my view is consistent with arch-2, "send binary or ACE", and of the ACE
choices, I'm in agreement with the idna-nameprep-ace orientation.

NeuStar will complete its independent review of the Walid and Ydsig patent
claims before London, and I'll post our findings and work-product when they
are available, initially to cooperating registries, and promptly thereafter
to this working group and other interested parties.

People working on the problem of utf8-on-the-wire feel free to drop me a note
