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Re: [idn] report of the straw poll

At/À 10:29 2001-05-27 -0400, Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine you 
wrote/vous écriviez:
>I sent one of the two "Just send binary (UTF)" ballots, (use rfc2044),
>arch-1 in Paul's taxonomy (draft-ietf-idn-compare-01.txt).
>NeuStar hasn't completed its independent review of the Walid and Ydsig
>patent claims. NeuLevel will not deploy RACE, unless directed to do so
>by ICANN.
>On the presumption that the IPR issue can be resolved acceptably by the
>claimants and the IETF, or alternatively that a second independent review,
>possibly ours, concludes as Verisign did, that there is no infringement,
>my view is consistent with arch-2, "send binary or ACE", and of the ACE
>choices, I'm in agreement with the idna-nameprep-ace orientation.

you mean that, presuming no IPR, you change your vote to "agree on 

>NeuStar will complete its independent review of the Walid and Ydsig patent
>claims before London, and I'll post our findings and work-product when they
>are available, initially to cooperating registries, and promptly thereafter
>to this working group and other interested parties.

I'm sure that this will be valuable input to the wg.

Thanks, Marc.

>People working on the problem of utf8-on-the-wire feel free to drop me a note