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Re: [idn] Debunking the ACE myth

Subject: Re: [idn] Debunking the ACE myth Date: Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at
03:43:49PM +0900 Quoting Martin Duerst (duerst@w3.org):
> And please let's not forget: There is at least one form where
> if things are going to work, ACE won't be used. That's paper.
> If anybody is so stupid to buy an IDN to put its ACE on paper,
> s/he can of course do that, but I doubt that's what many
> people would want to do.

You forget the legal hassle that would arise if a TLD Registry
forgot to tell people what their ACE-encoded string is. Or the
support hell that arises -- think angry customer who screams "I
wanted "räksmörgås", not this bq-- blaha!!". I see a strong need
for registries to print out the ACE encoded form in all kinds of
correspondance with their domain name holders -- provided that ACE
is chosen.

Måns Nilsson MN1334-RIPE

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