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Re: [idn] summary of reordering discussion

> Disagree. Significant portion of real CJK and otherscript
> registration contains 6 or more characters. That will be
> increased by introduction of new future broader and diverse
applications of IDN.

You forgot that this group is doing "Internationalization", not
"localization".  Therefore a draft merit should justify itself based on
its applicability to the global community (ie all script) not a just
particular locale (ie just some subset of script). No script should be
and must not be more important over the other.

I believe this point was raised in London by Paul, on how reordering is
going to work for other script. You have answer it a couple of times
but, correct me if I am wrong, summary of what you wrote as I read it is
"I dont know those scripts and I dont care".

> Most webhost/mailhost names are seldom typed in , but *clicked*
> from web pages or email clients. official long biz names are welcome
in IDN.

Irrelevant. I still dont see why a bq--ewojasdje39a is better than
bq--sdkjs993k to naked eye (if and when they do see it). You mean you
are able to to remember bq--sdkjs993k?

> think about  chinese
> Including This necessary subdomain length, the average length of
> native-script portion of IDN may usually exceed 10, i guess.

This is the advantage of reordering. I have accepted that and I think so
has others. We are not disputing the advantage of reordering. We are
saying reordering have many disadvantages and these does not justify
putting reordering into the standard.

You should be working to address the problems of reordering. Repeating
the advantage of reordering over and over again is not going to make
these problems go away.

> I can't understant why someone are so restrictive and pessimistic
> about the applicability and popularity of long IDN.
> To shot down REORDERING ?

In IETF, we do engineering trade-off. Sometimes, we drop a feature
because we dont think it is worth the effort. IMHO, reordering is one of
them. But that is my opinion only so I think a strawpoll will be able to
guage the consensus of the group better.

-James Seng