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Re: [idn] summary of reordering discussion
At 1:55 PM +0900 11/9/01, Soobok Lee wrote:
>Disagree. Significant portion of real CJK and otherscript
>registration contains 6 or more characters. That will be
>increased by introduction of new future broader and diverse
>applications of IDN.
CJK name parts of 6 characters are already allowed by AMC-Z. In fact,
CJK name parts of around 20 characters are allowed.
>Most webhost/mailhost names are seldom typed in , but *clicked* through
>from web pages or email clients. official long biz names are welcome in IDN.
How is this relevant to the decision to use or not use reordering?
>think about chinese <customer_Service>.<china_southern_airlines_inc>.cn.
>Including This necessary subdomain length, the average length of
>native-script portion of IDN may usually exceed 10, i guess.
These names are already allowed by AMC-Z. Adding reordering doesn't
help in those names.
Does reordering allow sensible names that are not allowed now? If so,
can you give examples? (Of course reordering can help make very long
nonsensical names possible, but that isn't a goal of this WG.) I
apologize if you have already given examples and I missed them. What
I remember was discussion of making ACE strings shorter, although I
don't remember many folks saying that they thought that feature was
very useful.
--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium