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Re: [idn] stringprep comment 1
At 2:32 AM +0900 1/30/02, Soobok Lee wrote:
>In Stringprep section 6.3,
>" Newer stored string -- Suppose that an requesting application is using
> oldVersion and the stored string was created using a profile that uses
> newVersion. Because the requesting application passed through any
> unassigned code points, the user can query on stored strings that use
> code points in newVersion. No stored strings can have code points that
> are unassigned in newVersion, since that is illegal. In this case, the
> querying application has to enter the unassigned code points in the
> correct order, and has to use unassigned code points that would make it
> through both the mapping and the normalization steps."
> The old querying application using oldVersion stringprep *cannot* predict
> 1) the correct order of combining sequences of newly assigned characters
> 2) the normalized & casefolded form of newly assigned characters.
Correct, but it does not need to, unless the Unicode Consortium goes
against their promises about how they will handle normalization of
newly-assigned characters. No new characters will be casefolded.
> This choices are often IME(platform) dependent and enforcing such
> normalized character inputs are beyond end users' choices and capabilities
> and also are out of control of independant application authors
Agree. Fortunately, this is unneeded.
> Non-Unicode legacy IMEs have been producing their own preferred
>character sequences
> for new scripts and their 1-1 mapping to new Unicode points may
>produce unnormalized outputs
> and they will be fed into old blind applications and make
>troubles and confusions and failtures.
This makes no sense because new scripts don't have decompositions.
> Therefore, the last sentence in the cited paragraph does not make
>sense, IMHO.
It makes sense if you trust the Unicode Consortium to stick to its
word about newly-assigned characters. If you don't, all of Section 6
is useless, not just this subsection.
--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium