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Re: [idn] stringprep comment 2
At 2:42 AM +0900 1/30/02, Soobok Lee wrote:
>In stringprep section 6,
>" 6. Unassigned Code Points in Stringprep Profiles
>This section describes two different types of strings in typical
>protocols where internationalized strings are used: "stored strings" and
>"queries". Of course, different Internet protocols use strings very
>differently, so these terms cannot be used exactly in every protocol
>that needs to use stringprep. In general, "stored strings" are strings
>that are used in protocol identifiers and named entities, such as names
>in digital certificates, DNS domain name parts, and names of SNMP objects.
>"Queries" are strings that are used to match against strings that are
>stored identifiers, such as user-entered names for digital certificate
>authorities, DNS lookups, and SNMP requests. "
>Is this classification from over-simplifications ? only two types?
>Is there any 3rd type possible?
Maybe, but we could not think of any, and no one has suggested any
yet. Do you have an example that we should deal with?
>To be complete, 'typical' ,'cannot .. exactly' and 'in general' had
>better be removed and
>the classification should first define "strored strings" precisely and then
>define the complement set as the "queries" if it is proved that
>any 3rd type does not exist.
That would indeed be complete. It is also impossible to do for the
hundreds (thousands?) of Internet protocols.
>I have doubt that there are many *gray areas* that do not fall into
>either categories.
Your doubt may be correct, but we cannot act on your doubt without
some concrete examples.
--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium