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[idn] Re: Document Status?

--On 2002-09-01 21.34 +0200 Simon Josefsson <jas@extundo.com> wrote:

> The specifications seems quite clear on what should happen here -- if
> there is no negotiation, ACE should be used.  TTY MUAs therefor must
> display ACE strings as there is no negotiation between xterm and the
> MUA that an IDNA string is being displayed.

It is not more strange than what we have for Subject-lines today.

Should the tty client display subject lines encoded according to RFC 2047,
or decoded? If you cut and paste via xterm something which is decoded, and
paste somewhere else, it is still up to the email client and other involved
applications "to do the right thing". Right thing is to see that non-IDNA
applications get the ACE encoded version of domain names.
