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[idn] Re: Document Status?
Dave Crocker <dhc@dcrocker.net> writes:
> At 10:57 AM 9/4/2002 +0900, Soobok Lee wrote:
>> MIME (and even RFC2047)encodes texts or descriptors , not ciritical
>> identifiers
>>like domain names as far as i understand.
> How does that difference matter? What is it about that difference
> that makes experience with MIME not apply for IDNA?
If I press the PRINT button on a MIME part in my mail reader, noone
cares that the rendered MIME body, which is printed, is infeasible to
put back into the original MIME part.
If I press the PRINT button on an IDNA in my mail reader, it is
important that people are able to put it back into the original IDNA
[given some reasonable assumptions about the people].
IDNA will be used to identify entities. If there is any confusion as
to which identity a certain IDNA really points at, there will be
security consequences. MIME doesn't have this property.