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Thoughts on draft-larsson-v6ops-mip-scenarios-00.txt

Thanks for writing draft-larsson-v6ops-mip-scenarios-00.txt

Its combination matrix was useful to me to see how many cases are indeed
possible and to know where to look for possible tools.  It's good to
have such an exhaustive list.

I have however only one little and precise particular interest: a Mobile
IPv6 Mobile Node (no Mobile IPv4) handing over between GPRS, UMTS and
public WiFi NAT'ed networks.  This says almost everything about their
type: their wireless is asymmetric, exclusively IPv4 and behind NAT and
the NAT's are very different from one another.  The new protocol should
be run on the MN itself and on one (not several) entity outside the
access network.

Do you think this particular scenario is captured by the draft?  Do you
think line 4 of Table 1 matches my scenario?

Finally, I tend to agree with a solution that does not bring in large
modifciations to Mobile IPv6 nor Mobile IPv4.  I mean, there may exist
nice interesting possiblities to use a v6 Home Address with Mobile IPv4
and vice-versa but I imagine modifying the code to support that and, I'm
a bit afraid.

Just some thoughts on the draft...


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