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RE: Questions on the Draft

One simple question/comment...

> > JK: 4) pg. 8 Do you want to be able to charge on packet content?
> > This could result in *very* slow performance in some cases, if
> > you need to snoop through to L4 to determine the port number.
> AT: My personal opinion is that many or some operator will
> prefer the idea of chaging on packet content 
> unless they find better charging method.

Are we talking about charging for access or for content/service? It is important to separate these two even if operators so far with the limited possibilities of mobile devices (non-Internet connected) have controlled both. For content it is of course desirable to charge for what is delivered, which is not a problem when performed on the application layer. However, it is impossible (and completely use-less) to try to charge different for the access bit-pipe depending on content transmitted. The network can and should not know what the bits transmitted are. "Snooping" may give the network a clue about what the application data transmitted is, but it can never tell for sure. Further on, with end2end security this possibility is completely eliminated.


Lars-Erik Jonsson, M.Sc
Wireless IP Optimizations
AWARE - Advanced Wireless Algorithm Research and Experiments
Ericsson Research, Corporate Unit
Ericsson Erisoft AB
Box 920, S-971 28 Luleå, Sweden
E-mail: lars-erik.jonsson@ericsson.com
Phone: +46 920 20 21 07
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My opinions are my personal opinions and should not be considered as the opinions of my employer, if not explicitly stated.