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RE: Question on RowStatus

> > My questions:
> > - I think that it is OK that an agent can remove such readOnly rows
> >   when the underlying data ceases to exist. If anyone thinks that
> >   is not correct, pls holler.
> Uhh, they way readOnly is described in RFC 2579 ("completely in ROM")
> makes it sound like it should go away only if someone removed 
> the chip. (or if setting the RowStatus to "delete" caused the chip to 
> be ejected.  :-)
To be fair, it says: -- e.g. completely in ROM
So that is just an example. It could be completely readOnly for other
reasons, no? So in this case it is readOnly because (for example) the
entry gets created by some labelDistribution protocol, and so the
implementations wants to show it but not make it changable
via SNMP. So then readOnly might be appropriate. If then later
that segment goes away (because of whatever underlying reason), then
it seems OK (at least to me) to indeed remove the row as well.
