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Re: MIB Doctor review of: draft-ietf-mpls-ftn-mib-07.txt

I have made modifications based on the latest round of comments
from David and Bert.


Here are the latest changes:

- I've added section 6 which explains how the last chenged objects
  can be used to avoid retrieval-modification interactions. I've
  also added some text to these object descriptions themselves
  to make this point.

- I've added a defval of nonVolatile for the storage type objects.

- mplsFTNMapRowStatus now has the following syntax:
   SYNTAX              RowStatus {
  As David pointed out, doing this helped avoid a lot of unnecessary
  explanations about the reindexing behavior associated with other
  row status states.

If there are no further comments, I will post this version to the
IETF site sometime tomorrow.
