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RE: Proposed wordsmithing to notification throttling guideline

looks good to me


> -----Original Message-----
> From: C. M. Heard [mailto:heard@pobox.com]
> Sent: woensdag 13 augustus 2003 0:37
> To: Mreview (E-mail)
> Subject: Proposed wordsmithing to notification throttling guideline
> Folks --
> If there are no objections, I would like to change the
> notification throttling text (last paragraph of Section
> 4.7) from:
>    In many cases notifications will be triggered by external 
> events, and
>    sometimes it will be possible for those external events to 
> occur at a
>    sufficiently rapid rate that sending a notification for each
>    occurrence would overwhelm the network.  In such cases a mechanism
>    MUST be provided for limiting the rate at which the 
> notification can
>    be generated.  One mechanism that has been widely used is 
> to require
>    the notification generator to use throttling -- that is, to ensure
>    that no more than one notification is generated for each 
> event source
>    in any given time interval of duration T.  The throttling period T
>    MAY be configurable, in which case it would be specified in a MIB
>    object, or it MAY be fixed, in which case it would be specified in
>    the notification definition.  Examples of the fixed time interval
>    technique can be found in the SNMP-REPEATER-MIB [RFC2108] 
> and in the
>    ENTITY-MIB [RFC2737].
> to:
>    In many cases notifications will be triggered by external 
> events, and
>    sometimes it will be possible for those external events to 
> occur at a
>    sufficiently rapid rate that sending a notification for each
>    occurrence would overwhelm the network.  In such cases a mechanism
>    MUST be provided for limiting the rate at which the 
> notification can
>    be generated.  A common technique is to require that the 
> notification
>    generator use throttling -- that is, to require that it generate no
>    more than one notification for each event source in any given time
>    interval of duration T.  The throttling period T MAY be 
> configurable,
>    in which case it is specified in a MIB object, or it MAY 
> be fixed, in
>    which case it is specified in the notification definition. 
>  Examples
>    of the fixed time interval technique can be found in the SNMP-
>    REPEATER-MIB [RFC2108] and in the ENTITY-MIB [RFC2737].
> Does anyone object to this proposed change?
> Mike