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RE: Pls review Agenda and Package for July 22, 2004 IESG Telechat


Allow me to echo Bert's point that a lot of the "cruft" in this MIB
module is a result of history going back to RFC 1269.  Assuming that
the problem with the erroneous embedded double quote is fixed (which
I think is a MUST), then all of the remaining smilint warnings are a
result of the history.  Specifically:  the {index-element-accessible}
warnings are a result of the original MIB module having been written
as an SMIv1 module; the {row-name-table-name} are a result of
previous failures to observe naming conventions, and cannot be fixed
now;  and the {notification-not-reversible} warnings are a result of
bugs introduced by an improper translation to SMIv2 in RFC 1657.  I
will point that I made some comments to the authors on the -12
version and (apart from the stray quote) all of the things I raised
then have now been fixed.  And as you can see from the attached
smidiff report, the RFC 1657 version was quite a bit worse.  I do
agree that the suggestions that you have made would be improvements
but none should be a showstopper.  Certainly the implementation
experience documented in the mibagent-survey draft indicate that
even the previous versions were good enough to implement.

Having said all that, I do tend to agree that it's not entirely
right to recycle this module back to Proposed.  Here is a comment
that I made on the -12 version, and I think it is still valid today:

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, I wrote:
| 2.) I also understand from reading the draft and from previous
| e-mail messages that the main purpose of this document is to provide
| a clean MIB module that documents the behaviour of deployed
| implementations, and that a new MIB module to overcome numerous
| shortcomings is under development and will in due course be
| submitted for standards-track consideration.  Under the
| circumstances it may be appropriate to submit this document as an
| Informational RFC rather than for the standards track, as indicated
| in the WG last call:  if a replacement is under development, there
| is no reason to progress this document along the standards track,
| and submitting it for Proposed Standard implies such an intent.


Mike Heard

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Romascanu, Dan (Dan) wrote:
> Bert,
> Well, this raises the issue of how we address documents at
> 'higher' standardization levels in our MIB reviews. Because of
> the time filter, the documents aspiring to reach Draft or Full
> could be susceptible to more problems relative to our MIB review
> guidelines. I would agree with you that such documents should
> get waivers, unless they contain really show-stopper issues.
> However, documents aspiring to Proposed, or re-cycled to
> Proposed, should be reviewed against the full set of guidelines.
> Regards,
> Dan
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Wijnen, Bert (Bert) [mailto:bwijnen@lucent.com]
> > Sent: 21 July, 2004 4:01 PM
> > To: Romascanu, Dan (Dan); Mreview (E-mail)
> > Subject: RE: Pls review Agenda and Package for July 22, 2004 
> > IESG Telechat
> > 
> > 
> > Dan, I will consider these additional comments.
> > 
> > However, we must realize that this new MIB module is basically to
> > FIX some of the errors/bug created in RFC1657 (which is at DS level).
> > This new doc fixes those problems and makes a few clarifications as
> > to how current implementations in fact work. The new doc is 
> > going to start all over at PS.
> > 
> > The IDR WG is also working on a much better version of a BGP MIB
> > module as you can see in: draft-ietf-idr-bgp4-mibv2-04.txt
> > My understanding is that that will be the goal for the final BGP MIB
> > module, and so we can wonder how much more cycles we want to spend on
> > this one.
> > 
> > As you have seen, I have posted some (non-blocking) comments 
> > about this document as well. I wil add these, and maybe the
> > authors are willing to do one more rev. 
> > 
> > My personal assessment however is that it seems not right to BLOCK if
> > they are very reluctant to do so.
> > 
> > Opinions are welcome.
> > 
> > Thanks for the review Dan!
> > Bert 
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Romascanu, Dan (Dan) [mailto:dromasca@avaya.com]
> > > Sent: woensdag 21 juli 2004 13:31
> > > To: Wijnen, Bert (Bert); Mreview (E-mail)
> > > Subject: RE: Pls review Agenda and Package for July 22, 2004 IESG
> > > Telechat
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I have a few more comments wrt. the bgp4-mib:
> > > 
> > > 1. "Changes from RFC 1657:
> > > 
> > >                      1) Fixed the definitions of the traps to
> > >                         make them equivalent to their initial
> > >                         definition in RFC 1269.
> > > 
> > > I guess that we are doing Notifications rather than Traps nowadays
> > > 
> > > 2. This version of the MIB seems to support a BGP-4 
> > > specification that covers only the exchange of IP version 4 network
> > >    reach ability information. Accordingly, the usage of the 
> > > IpAddress TC is OK, but it would be nice for some text to 
> > > clarify this.
> > > 
> > > 3. DESCRIPTION clauses of objects with enumerated indices 
> > > miss explaining each value - see for example bgpPeerState
> > > 
> > > 4. Almost no REFERENCE clauses come to help the implementers 
> > > - see for example the same bgpPeerState
> > > 
> > > 5. No UNITS clauses for Counter objects or Integer32 objects 
> > > expressing timers - e.g. bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured 
> > > 
> > > 6. Is bgp 7 obsolete, or deprecated? The ASN.1 and the text 
> > > are not consistent.
> > > 
> > > Although none of the above is a show stopper, my personal 
> > > feeling is that the level of accuracy and documentation of 
> > > the MIB module defined in this document is somehow below the 
> > > usual criteria for approval by the IESG, and I would suggest 
> > > that the authors are required to do an extra round and fix 
> > > these problems before publication. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > 
> > > Dan
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: owner-mreview@ops.ietf.org 
> > > > [mailto:owner-mreview@ops.ietf.org]On Behalf Of Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
> > > > Sent: 16 July, 2004 12:52 PM
> > > > To: Mreview (E-mail)
> > > > Subject: Pls review Agenda and Package for July 22, 2004 IESG Telechat
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > MIB Doctors,
> > > > 
> > > > I would appreciate if you can review from an NM and SNMP/MIB
> > > > perspective. Specific documents I like you to focus on are:
> > > > 
> > > >      - draft-ietf-idr-bgp4-mib-14.txt
> > > >        Definitions of Managed Objects for the Fourth Version 
> > > >        of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4) (Proposed Standard) 
> > > > 
> > > >      - draft-ietf-idr-bgp-mibagent-survey-01.txt
> > > >        BGP MIB V1 implementation survey (Informational) 
--- Begin Message ---
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This command (smidiff 0.4.3-pre1, as of Fri Jul 09 15:59:35 2004)
has been processed to get the following results:
smidiff -m -s -l 9 BGP4-MIB BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z

/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:46: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:191: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:209: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:223: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:311: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:321: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:339: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:359: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:379: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:404: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:414: warning: object identifier name
`bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval' longer than 32 characters
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:415: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:624: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:701: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:712: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:736: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:758: warning: use Integer32 instead of
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:68: warning: index element
`bgpPeerRemoteAddr' of row `bgpPeerEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:463: warning: row identifier
`bgpPathAttrEntry' should have the same prefix as table identifier
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:463: warning: index element
`bgpPathAttrDestNetwork' of row `bgpPathAttrEntry' should be not-accessible
in SMIv2 MIB
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:463: warning: index element
`bgpPathAttrPeer' of row `bgpPathAttrEntry' should be not-accessible in
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:571: warning: index element
`bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix' of row `bgp4PathAttrEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:571: warning: index element
`bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen' of row `bgp4PathAttrEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:571: warning: index element
`bgp4PathAttrPeer' of row `bgp4PathAttrEntry' should be not-accessible in
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:798: warning: notification
`bgpEstablished' is not reverse mappable
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:807: warning: notification
`bgpBackwardTransition' is not reverse mappable
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:26: warning: node `bgpVersion' must be
contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:45: warning: node `bgpLocalAs' must be
contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:199: warning: node `bgpPeerRemoteAddr'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:129: warning: node `bgpPeerIdentifier'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:138: warning: node `bgpPeerState' must
be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:153: warning: node `bgpPeerAdminStatus'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:172: warning: node
`bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:181: warning: node `bgpPeerLocalAddr'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:190: warning: node `bgpPeerLocalPort'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:208: warning: node `bgpPeerRemotePort'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:222: warning: node `bgpPeerRemoteAs'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:230: warning: node `bgpPeerInUpdates'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:241: warning: node `bgpPeerOutUpdates'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:252: warning: node
`bgpPeerInTotalMessages' must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:263: warning: node
`bgpPeerOutTotalMessages' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:274: warning: node `bgpPeerLastError'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:287: warning: node
`bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions' must be contained in at least one
conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:296: warning: node
`bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:310: warning: node
`bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:320: warning: node `bgpPeerHoldTime'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:338: warning: node `bgpPeerKeepAlive'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:358: warning: node
`bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:378: warning: node
`bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:403: warning: node
`bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval' must be contained in at least one
conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:414: warning: node
`bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval' must be contained in at least one
conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:425: warning: node
`bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:439: warning: node `bgpIdentifier' must
be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:497: warning: node
`bgpPathAttrDestNetwork' must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:488: warning: node `bgpPathAttrPeer'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:505: warning: node `bgpPathAttrOrigin'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:517: warning: node `bgpPathAttrASPath'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:534: warning: node `bgpPathAttrNextHop'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:544: warning: node
`bgpPathAttrInterASMetric' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:633: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:623: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:614: warning: node `bgp4PathAttrPeer'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:647: warning: node `bgp4PathAttrOrigin'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:661: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:690: warning: node `bgp4PathAttrNextHop'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:700: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:711: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrLocalPref' must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:722: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:735: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:746: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAddr' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:757: warning: node
`bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref' must be contained in at least one conformance
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:768: warning: node `bgp4PathAttrBest'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:780: warning: node `bgp4PathAttrUnknown'
must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:798: warning: notification
`bgpEstablished' must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:807: warning: notification
`bgpBackwardTransition' must be contained in at least one conformance group
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:7: warning: identifier `mib-2' should be
imported from `SNMPv2-SMI' instead of `RFC1213-MIB'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:512: warning: object identifier name
`bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval' longer than 32 characters
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:123: warning: index element `bgpPeerRemoteAddr' of
row `bgpPeerEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:564: warning: row identifier `bgpPathAttrEntry'
should have the same prefix as table identifier `bgpRcvdPathAttrTable'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:564: warning: index element `bgpPathAttrDestNetwork'
of row `bgpPathAttrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:564: warning: index element `bgpPathAttrPeer' of row
`bgpPathAttrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:680: warning: index element
`bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix' of row `bgp4PathAttrEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:680: warning: index element
`bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen' of row `bgp4PathAttrEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:680: warning: index element `bgp4PathAttrPeer' of row
`bgp4PathAttrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1022: warning: notification `bgpEstablished' is not
reverse mappable
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1035: warning: notification `bgpBackwardTransition'
is not reverse mappable
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:12 [5] {organization-changed} warning: organization
of `BGP4-MIB' changed
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:12 [5] {contact-changed} warning: contact of
`BGP4-MIB' changed
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:12 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
module identity definition `BGP4-MIB' changed
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:36 [5] {revision-added} warning: revision `2004-04-22
00:00' added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:72 [5] {revision-added} warning: revision `1991-10-26
18:39' added
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:10 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `BGP4-MIB'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:186 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerIdentifier' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:129 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerIdentifier'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:214 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerAdminStatus' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:153 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerAdminStatus'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:234 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion' changed
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:234 [5] {ref-added} warning: reference added to
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:172 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:308 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerInUpdates' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:230 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerInUpdates'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:318 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerOutUpdates' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:241 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerOutUpdates'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:328 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerInTotalMessages' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:252 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerInTotalMessages'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:338 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerOutTotalMessages' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:263 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerOutTotalMessages'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:362 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:287 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:373 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:296 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:399 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerHoldTime' changed
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:399 [5] {ref-added} warning: reference added to
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:320 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerHoldTime'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:427 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgpPeerKeepAlive' changed
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:427 [5] {ref-added} warning: reference added to
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:338 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpPeerKeepAlive'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:777 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:661 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:816 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrNextHop' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:690 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrNextHop'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:828 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:700 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:846 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrLocalPref' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:711 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrLocalPref'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:864 [5] {named-number-changed} warning: named number
`lessSpecificRrouteNotSelected' changed to `lessSpecificRouteNotSelected' at
type used in `bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:864 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate' changed
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:864 [5] {ref-added} warning: reference added to
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:722 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:889 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:735 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:916 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:757 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:934 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrBest' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:768 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrBest'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:948 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of
object definition `bgp4PathAttrUnknown' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:780 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgp4PathAttrUnknown'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:984 [5] {node-added} warning: node `bgpNotification'
has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1052 [5] {node-added} warning: node
`bgp4MIBConformance' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1054 [5] {node-added} warning: node
`bgp4MIBCompliances' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1056 [5] {node-added} warning: node `bgp4MIBGroups'
has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1022 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change
from `current' to `deprecated' for `bgpEstablished'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1022 [5] {description-changed} warning: description
of notification definition `bgpEstablished' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:798 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpEstablished'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1035 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change
from `current' to `deprecated' for `bgpBackwardTransition'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1035 [5] {description-changed} warning: description
of notification definition `bgpBackwardTransition' changed
/usr/local/share/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB:807 [6] {previous-definition} info:
previous definition of `bgpBackwardTransition'
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:987 [5] {node-added} warning: notification
`bgpEstablishedNotification' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1001 [5] {node-added} warning: notification
`bgpBackwardTransNotification' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1109 [5] {node-added} warning: group
`bgp4MIBGlobalsGroup' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1120 [5] {node-added} warning: group
`bgp4MIBPeerGroup' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1152 [5] {node-added} warning: group
`bgpRcvdPathAttrGroup' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1168 [5] {node-added} warning: group
`bgp4MIBPathAttrGroup' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1190 [5] {node-added} warning: group
`bgp4MIBTrapGroup' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1200 [5] {node-added} warning: group
`bgp4MIBNotificationGroup' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1063 [5] {node-added} warning: compliance
`bgp4MIBCompliance' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1079 [5] {node-added} warning: compliance
`bgp4MIBDeprecatedCompliances' has been added
BGP4-MIB-200404220000Z:1094 [5] {node-added} warning: compliance
`bgp4MIBObsoleteCompliances' has been added

--- End Message ---