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Re: [Fwd: Re: [RMONMIB] I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-rmonmib-raqmon-pdu-08.txt]

On Mon, 3 Jan 2005, Mark Ellison wrote:
> There is currently a dicussion about a point in RFC 2578 sxn
> 7.7, as described below.  Possibly, this issue could be
> clarified in the next id for the mib review guidelines?

First, I see that a solution to the specific problem has been
agreed upon:

> >2)  raqmonDsNotificationEntry
> >    objects used in index clause [raqmonDSRC, raqmonRCN,
> >    raqmonPeerAddrType, raqmonPeerAddr] according to
> >    SMIv2 (2578 sxn 7.7) should have a MAX-ACCESS of
> >    not-accessible.
> >
> >    The two defined notifications, raqmonDsNotification and
> >    raqmonDsByeNotification require only index objects be sent.
> >    Since the value part of the object instance is included
> >    in the index portion of the varbind name, there is a
> >    unnecessary duplication of information.
> >
> >    This suggests one of two alternative approaches- either
> >    a) change the OBJECTS clause for the NOTIFICATION-TYPEs
> >       to specify an accessible-for-notify object that is not
> >       mentioned in the INDEX clause of raqmonDsNotificationEntry
> >       and replace the current OBJECTs list with this object.
> >    b) change the raqmonDsNotificationEntry into a group of
> >       scalars, leaving the index objects with a MAX-ACCESS of
> >       accessible-for-notify, and, leaving the two defined
> >       NOTIFICATION-TYPEs as is.
> > [Romascanu, Dan (Dan)] I will go with your proposal a.
> >
> > There are reasons to keep the table structure, so that the
> > information is correlated if the table is extended in the
> > future.

After looking at draft-ietf-rmonmib-raqmon-pdu-08.txt I also think that
solution (a) is appropriate.  The INDEX objects should then be given a
MAX-ACCESS value of 'not-accessible'.

> [Mark Ellison] I like the table structure as well.
> >      Since 2578 Sxn 7.7 appears specifies that at least one
> >      object in an entry must have a MAX-ACCESS of at least read-only,
> >      it might be a good idea to address this point in the description
> >      clause of the entry, given the design choice to stick with the
> >      current organization, or, make an object read-only, and then
> >      restrict its MAX-ACCESS to accessible-for-notify in a
> >      compliance clause.
> >
> >   [Romascanu, Dan (Dan)] Actually I believe that this is OK and we
> >   do not need a 'read-only' object. What RFC 2578 says is:
> >
> >    a conceptual row must contain at least one columnar object which is
> >    not an auxiliary object.  In the event that all of a conceptual
> >    row's columnar objects are also specified in its INDEX clause, then
> >    one of them must be accessible, i.e., have a MAX-ACCESS clause of
> >    "read-only".
> > 
> >   "read-only" is an example. The objects in  raqmonDsNotificationEntry
> >   are accessible-for-notify.
> >
> [Mark Ellison]  Yes, its the "i.e." part that requires clarification,
> since "i.e." usually means "that is", whereas "e.g." usually means "for
> example".  I've forwarded a copy of this email to Bert Wijnen.  Perhaps
> a clarification can be added to the next id for the mib review
> guidelines.  I hope an "e.g." was intended, and that a MAX-ACCESS of
> accessible-for-notify is compliant in this regard.

No.  'read-only' is NOT an example, but the situation outlined in
RFC 2578 Section 7.7 is when ALL of a conceptual row's columnar
objects are also specified its INDEX clause.  That is not the case
with raqmonDsNotificationEntry.  If I correctly understand what I
read, it has 32 columns, of which four (raqmonDSRC, raqmonRCN,
raqmonPeerAddrType, and raqmonPeerAddr) are INDEX columns.  These
should have a MAX-ACCESS value of 'not-accessible'.  The remaining
28 columns have a MAX-ACCESS value of 'accessible-for-notify'.  I
see no contradiction with RFC 2578 Sec. 7.7.

I think that the language in RFC 2578 Sec. 7.7 is quite clear, and I
see no problems with it.  After this discussion, do you still think
that something needs to be clarified or changed?

