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Re: comment on draft-ietf-ops-mib-review-guidelines-03.txt (fwd)

Hi -

> From: "C. M. Heard" <heard@pobox.com>
> To: <mreview@ops.ietf.org>
> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 12:42 PM
> Subject: comment on draft-ietf-ops-mib-review-guidelines-03.txt (fwd)
> Here is a timely suggestion from Keith McCloghrie.  Comments from
> other MIB doctors please.

I agree with the substance of Keith's comment.  However, it brought
to my attention another issue...

>   - If dynamic row creation and/or deletion by management applications
>     is supported, then:
>      - There MUST be one columnar object with a SYNTAX value of
>        RowStatus [RFC2579] and a MAX-ACCESS value of read-create.  This

Given that dissatisfaction with the complexity RowStatus bubbles up from time
to time, I think the MUST is slightly overkill.  If a standards-track "RowStatusLite"
ever emerges, the existence of the current text would require us to go back
and modify the guidelines.  I certainly support uniformity and consistency
in row creation; it makes life easier for both compiler and management
application writers.  Nonetheless, the current text seems a tad too restrictive.
