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Re: MIB review of <draft-glenn-mo-aggr-mib-05.txt>


I noticed in the current version of the MIB review guidelines
that it says that you can specify for the default value of
an enum either a number or the name of a enum value.

This was a surprise to me, and I can see advantages to
doing this. But it seems like a change. So the message
below is because SMICng does not support this.

By the way, I've been thinking for a while that I should
create a new open source version of SMICng removing some
of the limitations and incorporating some of the features
of smilint. But I do need a sponsor for the work or
"a few graduate students". If anyone has such resources
and interest, please contact me privately.

On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Glenn Waters wrote:

> Review is attached. Comments marked in document with either "gww>" or
> "bert>" at the beginning of the line.
> There are a number of comments that require attention before
> publication.
> Both MIBs compiled clean with smilint. Both MIBs generated the following
> error when compiled with smicng:
>    E: f(taggr.mi2), (223,21) Default value for 
>       "tAggrCompressionAlgorithm" must be a name and not a number
> I don't understand why this error is generated, perhaps Dave can
> comment.
> Regards, /gww 