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RE: MIB review of <draft-glenn-mo-aggr-mib-05.txt>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David T. Perkins [mailto:dperkins@dsperkins.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 18:18
> To: Glenn Waters
> Cc: glenn@cysols.com; Mreview (E-mail); Wijnen, Bert (Bert); 
> RFC Editor;
> Bob Braden
> Subject: Re: MIB review of <draft-glenn-mo-aggr-mib-05.txt>
> HI,
> I noticed in the current version of the MIB review guidelines
> that it says that you can specify for the default value of
> an enum either a number or the name of a enum value.
> This was a surprise to me, and I can see advantages to
> doing this. But it seems like a change. So the message
> below is because SMICng does not support this.
And smicng has several other warnings and errors that it reports
and that many of us (MIB doctors) believe are what we have
started to call "Perkinisms". Dave, I am just being open
and honest here. I am not trying to accuse or insult you.
The SMICng has been really helpful to me (and I think many
MIB doctors and the RFC-Editor) to find issues in MIBs.
So don't get me wrong I like the tool. But it also 
has things that are less good. If you check your email
archives you will see that I often reported those and 
that you still have a set of outstanding commitments to me
to "fix" or make various things optional. Oh well.

> By the way, I've been thinking for a while that I should
> create a new open source version of SMICng removing some
> of the limitations and incorporating some of the features
> of smilint. But I do need a sponsor for the work or
> "a few graduate students". If anyone has such resources
> and interest, please contact me privately.

So how serious are you about this?
I have often asked you to send me the source and I would make
changes that I feel are important. Open source seems great.
But I worry you want some "cheap labor" to do work for you
and that you keep deciding what are the exact "rules" to be
checked against MIB modules. 

If you are serious... make the source available, and I bet 
many MIB doctors are willing to contribute.

> On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Glenn Waters wrote:
> > Review is attached. Comments marked in document with either 
> "gww>" or
> > "bert>" at the beginning of the line.
> > 
> > There are a number of comments that require attention before
> > publication.
> > 
> > Both MIBs compiled clean with smilint. Both MIBs generated 
> the following
> > error when compiled with smicng:
> > 
> >    E: f(taggr.mi2), (223,21) Default value for 
> >       "tAggrCompressionAlgorithm" must be a name and not a number
> > 
> > I don't understand why this error is generated, perhaps Dave can
> > comment.
> > 
> > Regards, /gww 
> > 