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RE: Mib transition


> > - Do the Mib Doctors understand what might be asked of you if
> > you agree to review an 802.1 MIB document?
> I assume that it would be similar to what we now do when we are
> asked to do a MIB Doctor review for an IETF MIB module.  The main
> difference, as I understand it, would be that we would not do the
> IETF-specific "general documentation stuff" in Section 3 of the RFC
> 4181;  this presumably will be replaced by some soon-to-be-specified
> IEEE-specific stuff (hopefully much less onerous than what we
> inflict on ourselves).  I also understand that the IEEE has a more
> formal mechanism for submitting comments on work-in-progress and
> that the output from a review would be a set of formal comments.
> Please set me straight if I have erred.

That sounds pretty much the way it works.
> > - Thus far, only the ASN.1 portion of a MIB document is being
> > made accessible in ASCII format; the surrounding text is only
> > available in PDF format. Will this be a problem if you are doing
> > reviews?
> I would have no problem with this, assuming that I get a password to
> download the latest PDF draft from the IEEE web site for the purpose
> of doing the review.  Note: I am to some extent familiar with this
> process, since I got access to the 802.3ae drafts back when the
> hubmib WG was working on the WIS MIB (RFC 3637).

The password would be available to reviewers.

A couple things to note:
1) When reviewing text in PDF format, you cannot cut and paste the
text you think needs to be changed, into the formal comments (unless
you have Adobe Acrobat or something).
2) the surrounding text (for which we require inordinate amounts of
editing in the IETF - like security considerations, relationship to
other mibs, and references) would not be available to implementers and
users unless they paid for it.

> //cmh