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RE: RFC 4181 indeed updates RFC 2578..2580 (fwd)

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, David B Harrington wrote:
> As I contributed to the development of the mib guidelines, I
> thought we were producing guidelines to help people, not new
> rules to hit them over the head with.

Just out of curiousity, do you consider things like this:

|   - If dynamic row creation and/or deletion by management applications
|     is supported, then:
|   [ ... ]
|     - There either MUST be one columnar object with a SYNTAX value of
|       StorageType [RFC2579] and a MAX-ACCESS value of read-create, or
|       else the row object (table entry) DESCRIPTION clause MUST specify
|       what happens to dynamically-created rows after an agent restart.
|     - If the agent itself may also create and/or delete rows, then the
|       conditions under which this can occur MUST be clearly documented
|       in the row object DESCRIPTION clause.

to be "new  rules to hit them over the head with" or something than helps
people?  The rules cited above are (a) above and beyond the requirements
of RFCs 2678/2579/2580, (b) sometimes painful for writers of MIB modules
(and possibly for agent implementors as well), but (c) it should make life
a whole lot easier for the writers of management applications.
