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Pls review documents on IESG Agenda for December 1, 2005

MIB doctors,

as always, pls review from MIB, SNMP or in general NM point of view.
comments (if any, a "I think doc x is OK or great" area also welcome)
to me before the end-of-day Wednesday Nov 30th pls.

You can see, it is an agenda that has LOTS of documents on it.
So help will be extra appreciated this time!

Thanks, Bert
------------- agenda items:

2.1 WG Submissions
2.1.1 New Item
  o draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-10.txt
    Detecting MPLS Data Plane Failures (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 22 
    Note: ITU requires an RFC number by December 12th. 
    Token: Alex Zinin
  o Four-document ballot:  - 2 of 22
     - draft-ietf-dnsext-dhcid-rr-10.txt
       A DNS RR for Encoding DHCP Information (DHCID RR) (Proposed Standard) 
     - draft-ietf-dhc-fqdn-option-11.txt
       The DHCP Client FQDN Option (Proposed Standard) 
       Note: Note: 3 related DDNS documents need to be reconciled. See email to 
       dhcwg list on 2003-06-05. 
     - draft-ietf-dhc-ddns-resolution-10.txt
       Resolution of FQDN Conflicts among DHCP Clients (Proposed Standard) 
       Note: 11/21/05:  Check for last minute IETF LC comments before 
     - draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-fqdn-03.txt
       The DHCPv6 Client FQDN Option (Proposed Standard) 
    Token: Margaret Wasserman
  o draft-ietf-ips-fcip-mib-09.txt
    Definitions of Managed Objects for FCIP (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 22 
    Note: PROTO shepherd black_david@emc.com 
    Token: Allison Mankin
  o draft-ietf-idr-rfc2858bis-07.txt
    Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4 (Draft Standard) - 4 of 22 
    Token: Bill Fenner
  o draft-ietf-rmonmib-rmon2-v2-05.txt
    Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base Version 2 (Draft 
    Standard) - 5 of 22 
    Token: Bert Wijnen
  o draft-ietf-mip4-dynamic-assignment-06.txt
    Mobile IPv4 Dynamic Home Agent Assignment (Proposed Standard) - 6 of 22 
    Token: Margaret Wasserman
  o draft-ietf-sigtran-rfc3332bis-05.txt
    Signaling System 7 (SS7) Message Transfer Part 3 (MTP3) - User Adaptation 
    Layer (M3UA) (Proposed Standard) - 7 of 22 
    Token: Jon Peterson
  o draft-ietf-mip4-rfc3012bis-04.txt
    Mobile IPv4 Challenge/Response Extensions (revised) (Proposed Standard) - 8 
    of 22 
    Note: 11/22/05:A'  Waiting for version -05 to address final issues. 
    Token: Margaret Wasserman
  o draft-ietf-mpls-ecmp-bcp-02.txt
    Avoiding Equal Cost Multipath Treatment in MPLS Networks (BCP) - 9 of 22 
    Token: Alex Zinin
  o draft-ietf-mip4-faerr-02.txt
    Foreign Agent Error Extension for Mobile IPv4 (Proposed Standard) - 10 of 
    Token: Margaret Wasserman
  o draft-ietf-simple-cipid-06.txt
    CIPID: Contact Information in Presence Information Data Format (Proposed 
    Standard) - 11 of 22 
    Token: Ted Hardie
  o draft-ietf-simple-rpid-09.txt
    RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format 
    (PIDF) (Proposed Standard) - 12 of 22 
    Note: The proto write-up (available in tracker comment log) discusses why 
    this document was not combined with cipid and future, despite them being 
    interconnected.  Rough consensus for this approach does. seem evident. 
    Token: Ted Hardie
  o draft-ietf-simple-future-04.txt
    Timed Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) to 
    Indicate Status Information for Past and Future Time Intervals (Proposed 
    Standard) - 13 of 22 
    Token: Ted Hardie
  o draft-ietf-radext-digest-auth-06.txt
    RADIUS Extension for Digest Authentication (Proposed Standard) - 14 of 22 
    Note: Note: Bernard Aboba is the proto shepherd 
    Token: David Kessens
  o draft-ietf-imss-ip-over-fibre-channel-03.txt
    Transmission of IPv6, IPv4 and ARP Packets over Fibre Channel (Proposed 
    Standard) - 15 of 22 
    Token: Bert Wijnen
  o draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-remoteid-00.txt
    DHCPv6 Relay Agent Remote ID Option (Proposed Standard) - 16 of 22 
    Token: Margaret Wasserman
  o draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-subid-00.txt
    DHCPv6 Relay Agent Subscriber-ID Option (Proposed Standard) - 17 of 22 
    Token: Margaret Wasserman
  o draft-ietf-enum-iris-ereg-02.txt
    An ENUM Registry Type for the Internet Registry Information Service 
    (Proposed Standard) - 18 of 22 
    Note: Finishes Last Call on October 27.  On IESG agenda, however LC 
    comments urged and will be heeded. 
    Token: Allison Mankin
  o draft-ietf-enum-voice-01.txt
    IANA Registration for Enumservice Voice (Proposed Standard) - 19 of 22 
    Token: Allison Mankin
  o draft-ietf-isis-wg-mib-24.txt
    Management Information Base for IS-IS (Proposed Standard) - 20 of 22 
    Token: Alex Zinin
  o draft-ietf-simple-presence-data-model-06.txt
    A Data Model for Presence (Proposed Standard) - 21 of 22 
    Note: Much of the language here reflects long discussion and 
    compromise.  Please recognize that when suggesting wordsmithing 
    Token: Ted Hardie
  o Two-document ballot:  - 22 of 22
     - draft-ietf-kitten-gssapi-prf-07.txt
       A PRF API extension for the GSS-API (Proposed Standard) 
       Note: proto shepherd: jaltman@columbia.edu 
     - draft-ietf-kitten-krb5-gssapi-prf-04.txt
       A PRF for the Kerberos V GSS-API Mechanism (Proposed Standard) 
    Token: Sam Hartman

2.1.2 Returning Item
  o draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-new-25.txt
    SDP: Session Description Protocol (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 3 
    Note: Ancient returning item: no longer has enough ballot positions to 
    advance. Mercy for these poor souls, new reviewers! 
    Token: Jon Peterson
  o draft-ietf-lemonade-mms-mapping-06.txt
    Mapping Between the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and Internet Mail 
    (Proposed Standard) - 2 of 3 
    Note: This is returning post-appeal processing by the WG and post 
    replacement IETF Last Call.  If we can complete this on 12/1, it will 
    likely be referenced by OMA (currently the text is copied) 
    Token: Ted Hardie
  o draft-ietf-dhc-dna-ipv4-17.txt
    Detecting Network Attachment in IPv4 (DNAv4) (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 3 
    Note: This document has changed substantially since the IESG reviewed 
    version -12 based on post-LC comments.A'  Back for a re-review before 
    sending to the RFC Editor. 
    Token: Margaret Wasserman

2.2 Individual Submissions
2.2.1 New Item
  o draft-rja-ripv2-auth-03.txt
    RIPv2 Cryptographic Authentication (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 1 
    Token: Russ Housley

2.2.2 Returning Item
  o draft-eastlake-ip-mime-09.txt
    IP over MIME (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 1 
    Note: Back on agenda to ask people to restate discusses in terms of 
    discuss. criteria document and to see if any discusses have been 
    addressed.. Note that I have not decided to vote yes; if people want me to 
    pull. the document until I do so, let me know..   
    Token: Sam Hartman

3. Document Actions

3.1 WG Submissions
	Reviews should focus on these questions: "Is this document a reasonable
	contribution to the area of Internet engineering which it covers? If
	not, what changes would make it so?"

3.1.1 New Item
  o draft-ietf-ieprep-domain-frame-05.txt
    A Framework for Supporting Emergency Telecommunications Services (ETS) 
    Within a Single Administrative Domain (Informational) - 1 of 4 
    Token: Jon Peterson
  o draft-ietf-grow-bgp-med-considerations-04.txt
    BGP MED Considerations (Informational) - 2 of 4 
    Note: Note: Dave Meyer is the protoshepherd 
    Token: David Kessens
  o Two-document ballot:  - 3 of 4
     - draft-ietf-mpls-oam-requirements-06.txt
       OAM Requirements for MPLS Networks (Informational) 
       Note: ITU requires an RFC number by December 12th. 
     - draft-ietf-mpls-oam-frmwk-03.txt
       A Framework for MPLS Operations and Management (OAM) (Informational) 
    Token: Alex Zinin
  o draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-sig-requirement-03.txt
    Signaling Requirements for Point to Multipoint Traffic Engineered MPLS LSPs 
    (Informational) - 4 of 4 
    Token: Alex Zinin

3.1.2 Returning Item
  o draft-ietf-dnsop-ipv6-dns-issues-12.txt
    Operational Considerations and Issues with IPv6 DNS (Informational) - 1 of 
    Note: To check (for the second time) on the status of the resolution of 
    Thomas Narten/Margaret Wasserman's DISCUSS.. 
    Token: David Kessens

3.2 Individual Submissions Via AD
	Reviews should focus on these questions: "Is this document a reasonable
	contribution to the area of Internet engineering which it covers? If
	not, what changes would make it so?"

3.2.1 New Item
3.2.2 Returning Item
  o draft-krovetz-umac-07.txt
    UMAC: Message Authentication Code using Universal Hashing (Informational) - 
    1 of 1 
    Token: Russ Housley

3.3 Individual Submissions Via RFC Editor
	The IESG will use RFC 3932 responses: 1) The IESG has not
	found any conflict between this document and IETF work; 2) The
	IESG thinks that this work is related to IETF work done in WG
	, but this does not prevent publishing; 3) The IESG thinks
	that publication is harmful to work in WG  and recommends
	not publishing at this time; 4) The IESG thinks that this
	document violates the IETF procedures for  and should
	therefore not be published without IETF review and IESG
	approval; 5) The IESG thinks that this document extends an
	IETF protocol in a way that requires IETF review and should
	therefore not be published without IETF review and IESG approval.
	Other matters may be recorded in comments to be passed on
	to the RFC Editor as community review of the document.

3.3.1 New Item
  o draft-glenn-mo-aggr-mib-07.txt
    The Managed Object Aggregation MIB (Informational) - 1 of 1 
    Token: Bert Wijnen

3.3.2 Returning Item
3.3.3 For Action
  o draft-manning-opcode-discover-02.txt
    DISCOVER: Supporting Multicast DNS Queries (Experimental) - 1 of 1 
    Note: Note: Submitted to RFC Editor, being treated as an ISR. 
    Token: Brian Carpenter