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FW: [New-work] OMA New Work - 1 New Work Item Approved

FYI, review and possible comments.
-----Original Message-----
From: new-work-bounces@ietf.org [mailto:new-work-bounces@ietf.org]On Behalf Of Victoria Gray
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 17:16
To: New-work@ietf.org
Subject: [New-work] OMA New Work - 1 New Work Item Approved

Dear All,

OMA would like to inform all the organisations subscribed to the IETF new-work list of the approval of 1 new work item:

Software Component Management Object WI:

The primary objective is to specify protocols and mechanism for managing distributed, mobile wireless devices, to optimize a subscriber’s experience and reduce network-operating costs. To accelerate the achievement of the objectives of the group, this work item will introduce Software Component Management Object (SCOMO) functionality.

The overall goal of the Software Component Management Object is, in conjunction with the OMA Device Management Enabler v1.2, to enable Management Authorities (e.g. Operators, Device Manufacturers and 3rd party service providers) to deliver, install, update and remove software components in a secure environment. Whereas the idea of Firmware Update is to manage the firmware of the device, the Software Component Management Object is meant to manage any other type of software asset than firmware. Examples of software components are executables, libraries, UI-elements, etc.  This WID also considers security and charging impacts that might be introduced by this enabler. Based on this, it is proposed that the work item must address at least the following areas:

1)       Inventory Reporting: Support the query of Software Components.

2)       Software Component Delivery and Install: Enable device management servers to facilitate secure delivery and subsequent installation of software components.

3)       Update / Upgrade Software Components: Enable device management servers to update/upgrade software as components that may be either complete or part of the whole application.

4)       Uninstall and Removal of Software Components: Enable device management servers to remotely uninstall and remove software components from the device.

5)       Possibilities for secure Software Component deactivation and activation: Enables device management systems to minimise the interference of external events while performing Software Component management. In addition enables Software Component isolation.

6)       Security and charging analysis.  This shall identify which security and charging aspects can be addressed as part of the specifications for this enabler (working within the constraints of DM1.2), and which aspects should be considered as enhancements for future DM release (e.g. DM1.3); the latter aspects will be captured in white papers.

This work item has been allocated to the OMA DM WG (Device Management WG) for specification development.

Best regards,

Victoria Gray on behalf of OMA.

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