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RMON document advancement

Hi Bert,

I hope you had a good vacation.
I know you are busy, and you have a lot
of things to do before March.   That's why
I think we should drop the rfc2613 (SMON-MIB) advancement.
It is in state "waiting for writeup:external party".  There are
5 other RMON MIBs that could advance to Draft (or not)
as well, after SMON-MIB.

But what's the point?  Nobody cares.
Nobody ever wants to respond to the implementation surveys.
Margaret and I did a ton of work on Entity MIB advancement,
deprecated objects, begged repeatedly for implementation reports,
republished repeatedly -- and in the end a couple people came
out of the shadows and said "we implement those objects so you
can't deprecate them!"
Did they ever respond to the implementation survey? No.
Because nobody cares about a MIB advancing from Proposed to Draft.
We did a bunch of work, only to cause harm to the standards
community by attempting to deprecate objects actually in use!

I cc:ed MIB Doctors to see if I could rile anyone
into defending the MIB Standards Advancement Process.
IMO, the whole process should be suspended until the NEWTRK
work is done.  (Which might be never ;-)
