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FW: LS from ETSI TISPAN WG8 to IETF O&M area

FYI, review and comments (if any)
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Julien [mailto:Christian.Julien@etsi.org]
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 13:33
To: bwijnen@lucent.com
Cc: *Pecha, Pascale; *Mak, Leen; R.Muench@alcatel.de
Subject: LS from ETSI TISPAN WG8 to IETF O&M area

Dear Sir,
You will find attached a liaison from TISPAN WG8 issued at the recent TISPAN Plenary#9 in December. As your organisation is copied for information, I would like to ask you for transmitting it to the relevant group.
I thank you for your help on this matter,
With my best regards
Christian JULIEN
TC TISPAN  Technical Officer 
ECMA TC32 Liaison Officer
JEEC Secretary
Tel: +33 492 94 4323
Fax: +33 493 65 4716
Gsm: +33 687 69 12 49

Attachment: 09TD419 LS_to_ITU_T_on_Harmonisation_Status_Report.doc
Description: MS-Word document