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Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review
On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Andy Bierman wrote:
> - Consider requiring all WGs that produce non-trivial MIB modules to
> assign a "Technical Adviser for FOO-MIB" to the WG. This should
> be a MIB Doctor or even a MIB Doctor approved WG member.
> - The adviser gets some credit for their work
> - One person follows the entire development of the initial MIB module
I believe that this last suggestion is a good one, it saves a lot of
"spin-up" time for the reviewer, and the authors don't have to get
used to the idiosyncracies of multiple reviewers.
One other suggestion: when something goes to AD review after
multiple rounds with a technical advisor, a light touch is probably
in order. It is very frustrating for authors to have one person say
the MIB module is OK only to have someone else say otherwise late in
the game.