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Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review


Well it drives me crazy to see the results of "expert advice"
from people that are really not experts, or have not kept
up and are giving people out of date advice.

I've seen MIB modules in RFCs that I wonder who the reviewer
was because I wanted to sit down with them and ask them about
why certain approaches were used.

But then, even this group has differences of opinion.
In general, what I try to do is provide the most conservative
answer (the one that the most people will agree that it
is OK) rather than the clever answer that many may believe
is broken (even if it is valid).

On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Andy Bierman wrote:
> C. M. Heard wrote:
> > >...
> > One other suggestion:  when something goes to AD review after
> > multiple rounds with a technical advisor, a light touch is probably
> > in order.  It is very frustrating for authors to have one person say
> > the MIB module is OK only to have someone else say otherwise late in
> > the game.
> This is very important.
> It used to drive the Cisco engineers crazy when 1 reviewer
> would tell them to change something only to have another
> reviewer tell them to change it back later.
> > //cmh
> Andy

/david t. perkins