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Re: initial issues
I agree on all counts. What we are hoping for is a taxonomy and
requirements document. Can you offer a few examples of how you see
multihoming being defined?
I recall:
1) The most common, large-scale meaning of an AS attached to
multiple other ASes.
2) Any network element (including a single host) attached to
multiple other network elements. Christian raised this in
the context of mobility, I believe.
What else do people see now or envision for the future, regardless of
the solution?
On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 06:31:25PM -0800, Eliot Lear wrote:
> Thomas Narten wrote:
> > So for now, I think it would be good to stick with your first note,
> > i.e., defining just what multihoming is and what its requirements are.
> Thomas,
> I half agree with you on these points, and I might even agree with you
> 100% depending on what you meant. As we saw in the BoF in San Diego,
> multihoming can mean different things to different people. What it
> boiled down to was this: multihoming at what level? I believe we should
> develop proposals that address this in their entirety so that we do not
> make the same mistake we did years ago by excluding ideas that merely
> needed time to mature or otherwise mutate into things more useful. I
> wouldn't want to take forever, but I also wouldn't want to move in
> haste.
> Comments?
> --
> Eliot Lear
> lear@cisco.com