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Re: radical solutions

I don't believe the proposed charter restricts us to pure IP layer
solutions.  I would hope anything to be fair game, if it can be shown
to work (where "work" includes factors such as operational and technical


On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 10:22:06AM -0600, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> Sean Doran wrote:
> ...
> > (However, I was tempted to wonder why the DNS itself (with different
> > roots & classes), or something DNS-like but with a different,
> > perhaps Thaler/Ravishankar style, distributed hierarchy, couldn't
> > form part of the routing system.  Is there any reason why a DNS-like
> > distributed database couldn't be as dynamic as the current IDR scheme?
> This seems to be what Guruprasad is aiming at, but I don't think
> he has all the operational considerations covered. He assumes
> that the problems simply can't be solved at the IP level, which
> is what we seem to be trying to do here.
>    Brian