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Re: charter

 | Note also, that the current charter doesn't say this WG will SOLVE the
 | problem even for IPv6. It says we will start LOOKING AT approaches,
 | but we will then need a recheck (e.g., recharter and IESG approval)
 | before we actually go work on a specific solution. I would expect that
 | one of discussion points at that point is applicability to IPv4 and
 | what should be done about that.
 | My $0.02 anyway. Other opinions welcome.

If we do not solve this problem for v6 and get started on getting it
deployed pretty much as fast as we can, then the core routers are going to
start falling over dead.  The Internet as we know it will effectively
stop growing.  All other considerations are, at this point, irrelevant.

Can we please all FOCUS?

Thank you,

p.s. Reference: http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0102/ppt/li/index.htm