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Re: Backwards compatability with existing IPv6 [was: Re: Network layer reqt? [was Re: Transport level multihoming]]

Ben, et al and folks are trying to provide helpful effort to develop reqs
for this important issue and also we have the right people from different
views trying to solve a hard problem.  Be honorable your mail is getting
insulting and not productive.  You have sent a draft and people will read
it I believe.  One thing that might sort this out is to stick to what the
requirements are before you give out the solution.  Lots of us have
solutions not just you but I think we have agreed to list the requirements
for now.  So saying something will not work right now is not supportive of
the logic model we have set up for this point of discussion.  And the
chairs and list want the first step to be the reqs phase and most
engineering design also has this property from science.  Once we start
discussing the solutions to the reqs saying this or that will not work and
why will be useful and productive, but right now we may be taking your
statements as offensive cause your ahead of us.


On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Masataka Ohta wrote:

> Ben;
> > Is your goal to offend or to help?
> I can help only those who help themselves.
> > Your result is thus far insulting.
> That's your problem.
> 						Masataka Ohta