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Re: Requirements draft status

On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 11:20:30PM -0700, Ramakrishna Gummadi wrote:
> 1) Can someone tell me what  the current status of the multi6
> requirements draft is? Was any consensus reached during the ietf meeting?
> (It would be great if someone could send out the minutes.)
> 2) Is there any requirement on multicast with respect to multihoming? I
> think a host-level solution will make achieving scalable multihoming very
> hard...

I was unable to attend the meeting, but I followed the list traffic
shortly afterwards, and I think we have a well-known set of changes
to negotiate before the requirements draft are ready for some kind of
last call.

The "current practices" draft was waiting from text from a number of
people (and still is). I will take a stab at it if none of the other
volunteers have spare cycles.

I am behind on this (I have been held up by all manner of other
things) and I apologise for the woefully slow progress made with these
docs of late. I hope to free up some time within the next week; if
anybody else feels like collating the changes proposed over the past
few weeks (and particularly suggesting new text to the list to effect
those changes) that would be spectacularly handy.
