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Re: Distributed reachability information

Ilsitch -

>> Another would be to abuse RIP for this. I haven't
>> really looked in to this, but RIP does a lot of
>> the same things in a somewhat different manner,
>> so it could be a good starting point.

[view in courier font]

This is what RIP is about.

                   _____  _____
                  <     `/     |
                   >          (
                  |   _     _  |
                  |  |_) | |_) |
                  |  | \ | |   |
                  |            |
   ______.______%_|            |__________  _____
 _/                                       \|     |
|           Ilsitch's multihomed setup           <
|_____.-._________              ____/|___________|
                  |            |
                  |            |
                  |            |
                  |            |
                  |   _        <
                  |__/         |
                   / `--.      |
                 %|            |%
                  |/.%%|          -< @%%%
             `\%`@|     v      |@@%@%%    - mfj
           .%%%@@@|%    |    % @@@%%@%%%%


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