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RE: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

    > From: Randy Bush <randy@psg.com>

    > perhaps this wg should work on solutions to the routing problems
    > presented

Let me make sure I understand you. You're saying: "let's see if we can
find a working design where multi-homing is supported entirely in the
routing"? I.e. distant host S emits packets with destination address D,
and they can come in to D through a number of different paths?

That would cover what some people call "site multi-homing"; i.e. all the
hosts have a single interface, but the group of hosts has multiple paths
to the network. What about "host multi-homing", where a host has several
different interfaces - would you like to see the same thing there? I.e.
the packets automatically go in which ever interface to D is working?
