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RE: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Craig A. Huegen wrote:

> > However, a solution that involves multiple addresses at the edge of the
> > organization but single addresses on the internal network and hosts does
> > not look unfeasible to me (Craig, please comment).

> >From a routing perspective, this doesn't look unfeasible.  Care must be
> given to those applications which currently embed end-to-end addresses in
> the upper-layer payload (H.323); this type of solution would imply a
> knowledge base in the routing infrastructure to perform embedded
> translation or an acceptance that these applications do not work.

If there is a "primary" address known as such by all (the apps,
transport layers at both ends and the onimous boxes in the middle) this
shouldn't be a problem. As an enterprise, you'd want a good set of
primary addresses anyway, because those would be the
provider/connectivity independent ones.