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RE: PI/metro/geo [Re: The state of IPv6 multihoming development]

|   > But in many cases, there will be no
|   > such convenient boundary.  What do you do?  You cannot 
|   make an exception
|   > and flat route any enterprise that has such links, 
|   because then their
|   > overhead dominates the cost of all routing and you're not 
|   sufficiently
|   > scalable.
|   If we require a solution (even a short-term one) to address 
|   this fully,
|   then yes, this is a problem. However, I think we can leave 
|   this problem
|   unsolved for now as there doesn't seem to be a good reason for an
|   organization to do this other than cost saving and we're not in the
|   business of making the internet a more expensive place for all to
|   accomodate savings for some.

News flash: we left this problem unsolved when we did CIDR for IPv4.
It's now an issue.  It needs to be addressed if IPv6 is to succceed.
