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RE: draft-ietf-multi6-multihoming-requirements-04.txt


> Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> I think we just need the document off our plate, with lower
> or UPPER case, basically I don't care, so that we can start
> exploring the solution space in a serious way.
> We could waste a lot of time making the requirements
> document perfect.

This was exactly my point a year ago. Trouble is:

1. We don't need this document to explore the solution space, as we are
going to ignore it in certain situations, and as the charter says.

2. Shipping this document as-is is not going to attract protocol
developers, because it's a powerful weapon to cancel any solution that
anybody does not like.

Writing a protocol is a lot of work, and there is little point doing it
if the work is going to fall into the oblivion of unrealistic
requirements anyway.
