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Let me suggest some ways that 16+16 might work:
| - GSE doesn't provide any failover mechanisms but depends
| on tunnels to
| repair dead customer<->ISP links. This could be done just
| as easily
| with regular PA space.
Each host needs to advertise its locator to correspondent hosts. Whether
this happens via DNS or via a mobile IP type solution is more detailed
than we need to be right now, but basically, the correspondent can
get multiple locators for any MH host. Failover in this case is simply
changing the locator in the packet and does not require tunneling.
| - It is very unclear how GSE is supposed to work in a single host
| environment. Do hosts that don't sit behind a GSE-capable border
| router the GSE processing themselves or is this done by the ISP?
It seems to me that either is a viable solution at this point. Both may
even be necessary.
| - It needs changes to transport protocols and possibly to intra-site
| routing and address discovery.
It certainly requires changes to the transport protocols. I don't see
any changes to intra-site routing unless one wants to be MH within the
site between IGP areas.
| - The flat part of the identifier space makes locator
| discovery hard.
Identifiers need not be flat. They could be hierarchically assigned
administrative entities.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: GSE
- From: RJ Atkinson <rja@extremenetworks.com>
- From: Iljitsch van Beijnum <iljitsch@muada.com>
- From: Greg Maxwell <gmaxwell@martin.fl.us>