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Re: Notes about identifier - locator separator

On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Eliot Lear wrote:

> > The IPv6 architecture is pretty clear about that one: the only packets
> > that a router is expected to process are those in which the first
> > payload is a "per hop option", or those in which the destination address
> > is one of the router's own addresses. All other payloads are supposedly
> > end-to-end.

> Well there's architecture and reality.  Reality says that devices are
> going to look well inside the header for port information, firewall
> processing, and packet classification, to name a few.

The flow label is supposed to help with this. Also, it should be
possible to do IP layer-only filtering on the real big boxes. And the
option would only be in a relatively small number of packets.

But it never hurts to implement all of this in the fast path, of course.  :-)