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Re: WG next steps

> I would not be so sure about "rational". There is some documented
> evidence that the path selected by the routing fabric is often not the
> shortest route between two points; this is easy to understand because
> BGP is about policy, not metrics; the interference between PBG policies
> and multi-homing can be interesting, to say the least.

OK. It's BGP.

> There is an existing mechanism to convey information from router to
> host, the router advertisements; it can be used,

It can't be, because plain non-BGP routers has nothing to do with
the policy.

> If that mechanism is
> not sufficient,

Router advertisement is totally useless, because its basic idea
voilates the end to end principle to let intermediate routers
access more information than end hosts.

> nothing prevents us from designing a better one,
> possibly some variation of ICMP Redirect between site exit routers and
> host on the site.

No. The mechanism is already there and called routing protocols.

						Masataka Ohta